Monday, December 8, 2008

Re: Holiday Eating

Re:eating for the month or at least until New Year's Day. A couple of Christmas parties over and a few remaining but still time to regain some sanity before December 25th and limit the damage.
Here are some tips that I have incorporated to limit the gains this season

First, don't stop exercising, even less than usual is better than no exercise!

Second, limit the between party damage by eating well, lots of vegetables and low calorie snacks.

Third, don't drink your calories; wine, egg nog, alcohol anything, gingerbread lattes, can be high calorie and don't fill you up, especially alcoholic drinks which tend to decrease our ability to say no to high calorie snacks.

Fourth, don't panic! There will be more opportunities to eat fatty snacks again, there will be some left for you, this is not a competition. Eat only food you really like or special holiday treats you love and remember this is not the last time you will eat.

Fifth, enjoy yourself and stop eating before you feel uncomfortable!

See that wasn't so bad...
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