Saturday, December 12, 2009

Two Weeks to Christmas

We are completely in the holiday season, maybe not the spirit, but definitely the season. And I hear the same worries every December. There is too much food, there are too many events, there are too many expectations. This is all true. And what is even more likely - the same will happen next year - if you don't take some small steps now to reclaim the holiday spirit!

Yes, there is too much food everywhere, at the office, at the parties, probably some of it has sneaked through your doors and is in your own home. However, just because it is there does not mean you have to eat it! Stop eating it. Stop right now. Put down the box of crackers and don't open that cheese, stop eating those little cookies or squares, just stop. Cold Turkey so to speak. No nuts, no squares, no crackers. Repeat it like a mantra, You are not saving starving children anywhere. If you want to save starving people donate to your local food bank, give your goodies to the homeless, do something, do anything just stop eating it yourself.

Okay, you are over committed and feeling the pressure to make an appearance at all these functions. Go. Participate. Mingle. Leave. The people who make an impression are the ones who arrive, greet everyone with enthusiasm and leave early. Be one of those people. Everyone will love you and you will love yourself for not staying too long and eating everything available. Make an impression by being unique.

Okay, this is the big one, expectations. Yours and everyone else. Christmas is loaded with expectations, guilt, marketing and more guilt. Choose to not participate. By this I don't mean canceling Christmas although I have tried this a few times. What I mean is don't participate in the expectations. State what you are doing for Christmas; what you are planning to do and what you would like to do. Also state what you are not planning to do - buy presents for everyone, bake home made treats, decorate every inch of your home - and then this is critical, don't feel guilty. Just be okay with what Christmas means to you. Everyone appreciates and respects when you set boundaries. They wish they could be more like you.

Finally, what does this mean to your fitness? Everything. You are more likely to get a few workouts in when you set some personal boundaries, you are more likely to stick to your nutrition plan and most importantly you are going to reinforce to yourself that you really are a healthy, fit and fabulous human being. And that is the best present anyone can receive. Merry Christmas.

Have a fantastic holiday season!

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