Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Olympic Inspiration

Are you feeling inspired by the Olympics? I am. The years of training, the focus on one goal, the clarity of their dreams, that is inspiring. Lately everyone I have spoken to has been inspired to feel great about themselves, to be fit and healthy, and after watching the Olympians they want to start now.

But, how do you translate that inspiration into personal success? It is not easy, when there are so many demands on our time and so many ways we can sabotage our own success. After talking to many people this week about their health and fitness aspirations. I have heard the same thing, "how do I fit my goals into my life?" Especially with a family and a career? How do I fit my goals into my day. It seems to overwhelming and unattainable.

I can tell you it is not. I have helped many busy, successful men and women change their health, get fit and attain amazing personal goals and here are my top 5 suggestions to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

1. Be consistent. Want to lose weight, run a 10 KM or decrease your blood pressure? Small changes will lead to big results if you do a little everyday. Break it down into manageable chunks and take one step everyday in the right direction. Olympic athletes train for over 10 years just to be able to train for the Olympics.

2. Do it for yourself. Trying to make a change, even a positive one, for someone else never works out. There will be times when you don't want to go out in the rain to go for a run and doing it for someone else makes it less likely you are going to push yourself out the door.

3. Get some support. It is more fun to work together for a common goal. Even better having a buddy means you have someone to share your best and worst days. It is even more likely you will succeed when you have a friend to share in your success.

4. Have a plan. I have seen too many injuries, unfulfilled goals and disappointments from people who jumped on all the latest fads and trends only to find themselves as unfit, overweight and as unhealthy as when they started. Having a road map to your goal is a great way to see your improvements, stay motivated and be successful for life.

5. Have fun. This is the most important one of all. If you are not having any fun you won't be consistent or want to continue once you have achieved your goals. Try lots of activities, take some lessons, but remember to have fun. If you aren't having fun it isn't worth all the effort.

I would love to hear your health and fitness challenges and success stories. Let me know if you have been successful or have been trying to find the motivation to stay on track. What works when you are feeling unmotivated to stick to your plan? Looking forward to hearing about your  Olympic inspiration.


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posted by Shayla at


Blogger Toby said...

Hi Shayla,
Yes, I have been watching the Olympics, via the wonder of CTV online live feed, and I am so inspired and in awe of what these athletes can and have accomplished.

Thanks to you and Brad, you introduced me to skate skiing three years, and fell in love with it instantly. I had not been on downhill skis in years, only my snowboard, and this was a renewal to my love for being on the mountain, as I was ready to hang up my snowboard for the long, cold wait in lift line ups and the expensive cost of lift tickets. As fun as skate skiing is, at times it is like a cruel form of punishment with endless climbs and my heart rate spiking in the 190's. And i thought i was fit. It kicked my ass. Then I have watched the men and women averaging 50 KM/hour on the flat and shooting and going hard and looking like they drop to their death when they cross the finish line. Incredible. Just incredible. I can't imagine going that fast. Watching them inspires me to do more and with purpose. I also can't wait to watch the Paralympics, they are the true spirit and meaning of 'nothing can stop me now!'

I definitely don't wake up feeling lost in my own life, but I don't always wake up with a renewed passion either. Watching the games has renewed my passion and what I am capable of doing. Even when I feel like i am working hard and i know my heart rate is up, or I'm under a deadline, I still get my ass kicked a little more to do better in whatever it is. Technique, timing, location, delivery, all of it, I can get that extra percentage out of me. I believe it. I believe in myself.

I am inspired to finish in a faster time at the RTCC.
I am inspired to be fit enough to stay with you and Brandon on the Whistler Gran Fondo Ride. (despite all the bike dodging) :)
I am inspired to swim at least twice a week to be a better swimmer in Triathlon.

I am inspired to listening and be grateful for what i have.
Thank you for inspiring me too.

February 23, 2010 8:33 PM  

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